Wed Feb 5 05:19:32 MST 2025
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- All ads must be submitted using our easy online form.
- Item descriptions are limited to 80 characters, including spaces. For best results use complete words as much as possible. Abreviations will probably return
fewer search hits.
- Ads are reviewed, then posted the following morning.
- Ads run for a period of 10 consecutive days, then are removed automatically.
- Your ad will be displayed with the item description, price, your name, and either your phone number or email address. Your personal information will be
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- Sorry, no images, no spam, no adult entertainment.
- Please restrict ads to relevant categories. It's OK to post an item to more than one category, as long as that item belongs in those categories.
- If you would like an additional category added, please send email with your suggestion and the reasoning behind
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